My first blog proper blog ever! :-) Having been asked to update our photo and travel report website ( more regularly, I just decided to start this blog instead, as an addition to our more photo focused website. Easier to update both via pc and my phone and less fuss when we're out travelling. Now we have no excuse for not leaving signs of life!
Our winter holiday is coming up and we will leave for our winter accomodation in the Røldal mountains. Winter came early to Tau this season, Dec 19.. - and the snow still lasts! The amount of show in the mountains is however sparse... Hopefully we will have as much snow as our first year 2005 (pic below). Last year the snow was about to reach the hight of the small window of our hut...No chance so far this year...
Have a nice day! I'll have to explore the phone update abilities further...
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